Saving glass A5
Saving glass A5
Save effortlessly for your dream goals with our innovative savings jars that fit perfectly into standard A5 covers. It's incredibly easy to use: simply divide your savings goal by the 220 coins and visually mark each coin you save. Once all the coins are colored in, you've reached your savings goal!
Each jar comes with a handy budget sheet on the back that allows you to systematically track your savings journey. Record every contribution and stay on top of your financial goals by documenting each time you put money into your savings jar on the budget sheet.
Do you have any questions or need further information? We are always happy to help. Just write to us - we look forward to helping you!
- mit Liebe verpackt
- Klimafreundlicher Versand mit DHL und Deutsche Post GoGreen
- Versand innerhalb 1-3 Tage
Budget Couple
Im Schülert 13
56651 Niederzissen
Unsere Produkte sind für verantwortungsvolle Erwachsene geeignet und nicht für Kinder, da diese keine finanzielle Verantwortung tragen.